In July 2021, I was happily introducing in an article the v0.0.1 of my hobby project:, a Swiss army knife services website.
At the end of the blog, I was promising to follow up and describing my journey... Today September 2nd, 2024, the website is now at its version 4.5.0....
So we can fairly say that I failed at documenting that project.
Let's be honest I probably over promised...
I tend to be curious and try a lot of things as you probably guessed when going through my blog. So between work, hobbies, family, and more, blogging was always at the bottom of my todo list.
Let's try to repair the situation!
Even if, I need to say it's truly a pity. Because I did face some challenges on my way that I think would have been interesting to share.
For example, I started my front-end with Dart but I quickly gave up. It was three years ago so my memory around that decision is not that fresh. But IIRC I reached a dead-end where I was lacking something to help me binding values between my UI and my view models. I briefly started to build something alike Angular Dart... And quickly felt like I was rewriting the wheel.
I took a step back and decided to give up on Dart.
Anyway, let's just break the spell and I won't over promise or promise anything at all. I just hope I can share some interesting stuff to you in the near future.
For the curious ones, my website link: and the GitHub repos: